



DDW 2016 (Digestive Disease Week), San Diego, USA 

Taewoong Medical participated DDW 2016 with a huge attention of attendees in San Diego, USA. Exhibition booth consisted of SPAXUS Stent section, Endoscopic RFA area, Stent area and extended meeting rooms. Design concept was simple and modern, which emphasized full exposure of our company identity. Especially we prepared to demonstrate SPAXUS user friendly delivery system so that visitors could try easy deployment.


The day before DDW, Taewoong Medical organized partner’s day with global distributor at Holiday Inn, Bayside. We had SPAXUS Hands on class with special dummy model and a lively discussion time about EUSRA & ELRA, Endoscopic RFA products. In particular, Euromedical, Italy presented their sales strategy and current state of RFA business, and this invaluable sharing would stand partners in good stead when it comes to meeting customers. Mr. Shin, CEO, Taewoong Medical, expressed thanks to the all partners regarding their effort and cooperation in closing remark.


2nd day of DDW congress, the valued customers and friends from all of the world were invited to SeaWorld, attraction of San Diego. Taewoong Medical prepared special show with killer whales and dinner buffet beside the pool. All attendees seem to return to the innocence of childhood during the show, and they had a great time even though some of them were dripping wet by whales.

Upcoming next DDW 2017 is going to be held at Chicago. Hope we can get together again!

