Niti-S™ NAGI™ Stent_EUS-guided drainage using metal stents
Ryosuke Tonozuka, MD, from the Depatment of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Tokyo Medical University in Tokyo, Japan discusses this New Methods article“EUS-guided drainage of hepatic abscess and infected biloma using short and long metal stents (with videos).” Refractory hepatic abscess (HA) and infected biloma (IBL), in which inflammation does not improve only by the dosage of the antibiotic agent, often require percutaneous drainage (PCD) and surgical interventions. Recently, the usefulness of EUS-guided hepatic abscess drainage (EUS-HAD) and US-guided biloma drainage (EUS-BLD) has been described. However, there has been only 1 report of a case in which a fully covered self-expandable metal stent (FCSEMS) was used. In this study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of EUS-HAD and EUS-BLD using a FCSEMS retrospectively.We used 2 types of FCSEMSs for the drainage. If the target lesion was close to the digestive tract (≤2 cm), a short biflanged FCSEMS (short stent; 16 mm in diameter, 2 or 3 cm in length) was used. If the target lesion was far (≥3 cm), a conventional biliary FCSEMS (long stent; 8 or 10 mm in diameter, 6 or 8 cm in length) was used. Figure 1. Schema of EUS-guided drainage of HA using a short and large diameter biflanged self-expandable metal stent (short SEMS) The technical success rate was 100% and the clinical success rates of EUS-HAD and EUS-BLD at the first session were 71.4% and 83.3%, respectively. In 2 cases, they needed necrosectomy (endoscopic necrotic tissue removal) as an additional therapy. The final clinical success rate was 100%. There were no procedure-related adverse events and no cases of recurrence during the follow-up period (median, 83.5 days).We think EUS-guided drainage has several advantages over PCD as follows: 1) one-step internal drainage is suitable for patients not only for cosmetic reasons but also for physiologic liquid flow; 2) there is no risk of self-removal of the external drain, which causes peritonitis; 3) possible drainage of the lesion around the caudate lobe where puncture may be difficult. Furthermore, a 10-mm-diameter fully covered or 16-mm-diameter fully covered self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) may have several advantages compared with 1 or more conventional PS for treatment by EUS-HAD and EUSBLD as follows: 1) only 1 stent is required because of the large diameter; thus, FCSEMS placement may allow fewer sessions and reduce the procedure time; 2) minimum leakage of liquid in the cavity; 3) upon FCSEMS placement, sufficient drainage is expected, leading to rapid improvement; 4) DEN can be easily performed through the large-bore stent, as was seen in this study, as DEN was easily performed through the FCSEMS in 2 cases; and 5) FCSEMSs may be helpful for hemostasis when unexpected bleeding from the tract occurs during the procedure. Figure 2. Schema of EUS-guided drainage of biloma using a usual long biliary self-expandable metal stent (long SEMS) The information presented in Endoscopedia reflects the opinions of the authors and does not represent the position of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). ASGE expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, or procedures set forth.
16.03.19 -
Niti-S™ NAGI™ Stent_Pulsating pseudoaneurysm in a walled-off necrosis
Shuntaro Mukai from the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Tokyo Medical University in Tokyo, Japan describes this VideoGIE case “Pulsating pseudoaneurysm in a walled-off necrosis.” Our video case describes a pulsating pseudoaneurysm in the cavity of a walled-off necrosis (WON) diagnosed by endoscopy through a fully-covered biflanged metal stent (BFMS). Subsequently, the pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated. A 38-year-old man developed an infected WON after severe necrotizing pancreatitis. A novel BFMS (16 mm in diameter and 20 mm in length) was placed under EUS guidance. Then, direct endoscopic necrosectomy (DEN) was performed through the BFMS. Seven days after DEN, he vomited blood; we suspected bleeding from the cavity. Emergency angiography was not able to detect any obvious bleeding point. After seven days of conservative therapy, an endoscope was advanced to examine the condition within the cavity. Surprisingly, a pulsating pseudoaneurysm was found. Subsequently, the pseudoaneurysm was treated by coil embolization. Interestingly, a “second-look” endoscopy determined that the pseudoaneurysm completely resolved after use of the embolization coil.To the best of our knowledge, this is the first video which shows a pulsating pseudoaneurysm detected by direct endoscopic imaging and subsequently successfully treated by coil embolization. Bleeding from the cavity due to the rupture of a pseudoaneurysm is a fatal complication in patients with WON. Thus, the management of bleeding is mandatory for treatment success.BFMS is useful for the treatment of WON also in that observation in the cavity of WON by endoscopy can be easily performed during the treatment course.Find more VideoGIEs available online. Figure 1. Endoscopic imaging revealed a pulsating pseudoaneurysm (A). A “second-look” endoscopy demonstrated that the pseudoaneurysm completely resolved after use of the embolization coil (B). Angiography revealed a pseudoaneurysm (C), which was subsequently treated by coil embolization (D). The information presented in Endoscopedia reflects the opinions of the authors and does not represent the position of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). ASGE expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, or procedures set forth.
16.03.19 -
Niti-S™ Eso.TTS Stent_Hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis drainage
Prashant Kedia, MD from the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Cornell Medical College at Cornell University in New York, New York, USA shares this video case “Hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis drainage by using an esophageal stent.” This video highlights the case of a patient with infected hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis treated with endoscopic debridement through a fully covered metal esophageal stent. Initially, double pigtail plastic stents were placed due to the fluid nature of the contents. However due to an acute bleeding event into the collection possibly secondary to a pseudoaneurysm, the patient developed hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis which subsequently became infected. To endoscopically manage this situation, direct necrosectomy was required via EUS-guided placement of a fully covered metal esophageal stent with through-the-scope deployment into the walled-off hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis. Through this multiple techniques for debridement including usage of snares and nasocystic drains were applied to evacuate the cavity. This video is useful to portray the advantage of using fully covered metal stents for walled off pancreatic necrosis compared to plastic stents. Due to large lumenal diameter of these metal stents, they allow for direct endoscopic necrosectomy and removal of large solid material. Although only one metal stent is currently approved for pseudocyst drainage in the United States, fully covered, through-the-scope esophageal stents can also be used in these situations.The application of EUS-guided cystgastrostomies with fully covered metal esophageal stents have been shown in prospective case series to allow for successful endoscopic necrosectomy of walled off pancreatic necrosis. These stents allow for maintenance of a gastrocystic fistula through which multiple necrosectomy sessions can be performed and a nasocystic drain can be placed for continuous flushing.Find more VideoGIEs available online.The information presented in Endoscopedia reflects the opinions of the authors and does not represent the position of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). ASGE expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, or procedures set forth.
16.03.19 -
Niti-S™ Eso.TTS Stent_EUS-Guided Drainage of Pseudocyst_USA
Payal Saxena, MD, from the Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, USA presents this video case “EUS-Guided Drainage of a Giant Hemorrhagic Pseudocyst by a Through-the-scope Esophageal Metal Stent.” A 78-year-old man with hemorrhagic transformation of a 17cm pseudocyst was hemodynamically unstable requiring splenic artery embolization. He developed gastric outlet obstruction due to the pseudocyst, which was then drained under EUS guidance by creating a cystgastrostomy, flushing the cavity with hydrogen peroxide and placement of a through-the-scope, covered esophageal metal stent (18mm x 60mm) across the cystgastrostomy. A total of 2.4L of blood was drained during the procedure. The patient experienced a rapid resolution of symptoms post-procedure. At 4 week imaging, the pseudocyst had completely resolved after a single procedure. The stent was easily removed with a snare at follow-up endoscopy.We have demonstrated a novel technique which facilitates safe and rapid resolution of a giant pseudocyst with large volume solid debris (blood clots) without the need for repeated endoscopic procedures, debridement or external drainage. Hydrogen peroxide facilitated dissolution of the blood clots. The wide bore stent allowed passage of debris from the pseudocyst cavity without becoming clogged. The wide caliber covered metal stent also ensured complete seal of the cystgastrostomy tract, preventing complications of leaks and perforation.Wide bore fully covered metallic stents can be safely used for drainage of pancreatic fluid collections which contain a large volume of solid debris.Watch the video here. Figure 1. Fluoroscopic image of the fully covered self expandable metallic stent placed across the cystgastrostomy. A double pigtail stent is seen within the metallic stent. Splenic artery embolization coil is seen to the left of the stent The information presented in Endoscopedia reflects the opinions of the authors and does not represent the position of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). ASGE expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, or procedures set forth.
16.03.19 -
2012 Newsletter_Novel and innovative stents for EUS-guided drainage 16.03.19
2012 Newsletter_ New products_ Biliary short wire system & Beta esophageal stent 16.03.19
Niti-S™ KAFFES™ Stent _Editor's Choice - Stuart Sherman
Associate Editor, Stuart Sherman, MD, FASGE, recommends the article“Fully covered self-expandable metal stents for the treatment of benign biliary strictures”by Arthur J. Kaffes, MBBS, FRACP and Ken Liu, MBBS, BSci (Med) from the July issue of GIE. This review article highlights the use of fully covered self-expandable metal stents (FCSEMSs) as a potential paradigm shift in our management of benign biliary strictures.This review is well-written and is encyclopedic in summarizing the world’s literature on the performance, clinical utility, and safety of FCSEMSs for the treatment of benign biliary strictures. As an evolving area of investigation, this is a very timely review. Figure 3. These fluoroscopic images illustrate one of the newer intraductal fully covered self-expandable metal stent type used in a 53-year-old woman with an anastomotic stricture after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). A, Cholangiogram clearly demonstrating a tight anastomotic stricture post-OLT. B, The FCSEMS (Niti-S Kaffes; Taewoong) is inserted across the stricture and is entirely within the biliary tree. C, The stent is seen in situ with the radiopaque removal string seen clearly in the duodenum (white arrow). D, The stricture has completely resolved. There are limited data on the use of FCSEMS and only 1 small RCT published as an abstract. Based on these limited data, it would appear that:Placement of FCSEMSs in the treatment of benign biliary strictures is feasible and effective in both the post-transplant and non-transplant settings as a first or second line therapy.Similar success rates occur with the plastic stents; however, since FCSEMSs require fewer endoscopic sessions to achieve clinical success, they will likely be cost effective.It appears that the complication rates of plastic stents and FCSEMSs are similar.FCSEMSs are currently not approved by the FDA for the indication of benign biliary strictures in the USA.Further prospective randomized trials are needed to assess efficacy of FCSEMSs compared with plastic stents and their long-term safety and cost-effectiveness before routine use can be recommended for benign biliary strictures.Read this article on pages 13-21 in the print journal or find it online.The information presented in Endoscopedia reflects the opinions of the authors and does not represent the position of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). ASGE expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and is not liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, or procedures set forth.
16.03.19 -
CONNECT GLOBAL issue 6 / OCT 2015 15.11.04
United European Gastroenterology 2015
Connect Global We have been issuing annual publication “Connect Global” since 2012. It is composed of TW performances, Scientific update, Product update. In this year, Connect Global contains interviews with Prof.Moon and Prof.Laleman regarding SPAXUS™ and ELRA™.Please follow the link as below.http://stent.net/connect-global-issue-6-oct-2015/ Taewoong Medical in UEGW 2015 ● Oct 26~28, 2015● Congress venue: Fira Barcelona Gran via, Spain● Booth Exhibition & Taewoong Medical Events We have participated in various International conferences. UEGW 2015 (The United European Gastroenterology) is the most valuable world congress of Gastroenteology that we participate. The UEGW booth was designed in order to maximize visitor conveniences by having large display tables, sofas and phone charging station mounted tables. In particular, Endoscopic RFA products were introduced and received significant attention by Key opinion leaders.Before UEGW exhibition, we organized Partner’s day with our exclusive distributors from all over the world. We had discussions about marketing and product updates, new published articles, abstracts and current company issues.Especially we invited Prof. Moon who is inventor of SPAXUS™, and had a product insight session included introduction of SPAXUS™, QnA regarding EUS procedure. Mr. Kakuno from Japan presented sales approach strategy with his experiences. Through this annual meeting, we’re looking forward to meaningful discussion included your ideas, opinions about businesses and our further improvements.One of the most important annual event The 5th Niti-S™ Dinner Symposium was held at Crowne plaza, Fira center. Dr. D Reddy (India) and Dr. Garcia (Spain) thankfully joined us as moderator in spite of their busy schedule, and almost 150 guests.
15.11.04 -
Digestive Disease Week 2015
Digestive Disease Week 2015 ● May 17~19, 2015● Congress Venue: Walter E.Conventioncenter, Washington D.C, USA● Booth Exhibition & Taewoong Medical Events We have participated in various International conferences. DDW is the most valuable world congress of Gastroenteology that we participate. The DDW booth was designed in order to maximize visitor conveniences by having multi entrances, sofas and phone charging station mounted tables. In particular, Newly released ‘Enteral Comvi™ stent was introduced and installed Lucky Draw event in order to create customer interests. Before DDW exhibition, we organized Partner’s day with our exclusive distributors from all over the world. We had discussions about marketing and product updates, new published articles, abstracts and current company issues. Mr. gurpp from Germany and Mr. Enrico from Italy presented their experiences about NAGI™, large diameter Esophageal stent and BETA™ stent. One of the most important event NiTi-S™ Dinner party was held at Howard theatre. Almost 180 guests from all around the world were accompanied by live music and fabulous dinner.Upcoming DDW 2016 is going to be held at San Diego, USA. We always welcome you to join TW program and visit our booth.
15.06.01 -
Brand Reinforcement sponsored by KOTRA
중소·중견기업 해외시장 브랜드 경쟁력 높여내년도 세계일류상품 자가브랜드 수출 지원 강화기사입력 2014-12-24 05:27:28 태웅메디칼의 CI 변경 사례 [산업일보]산업통상자원부(장관 윤상직)와 KOTRA(사장 오영호)는 국내 중소·중견기업들의 해외 시장 브랜드 경쟁력을 높이기 위해 내년도 ‘자가브랜드(OBM, Original Brand Manufacturing) 수출지원사업’을 확대 운영하고, 기업별 상이한 수요에 부응하는 맞춤형 지원 사업으로 탈바꿈할 예정이다.KOTRA는 산업통상자원부가 국가 수출품목을 다양화하고 미래의 수출동력을 확충하기 위해 2001년부터 추진하고 있는 세계일류상품 육성사업의 일환으로 ‘자가브랜드(OBM) 수출지원사업’을 추진해 오고 있다.자가브랜드 수출지원 사업은 세계시장에서 우리 기업의 브랜드 경쟁력을 높여 수출상품의 제값 받기 정책의 일환으로 2011년부터 추진되었으며 올해 16개사에서 2015년도에는 20개사로 지원기업을 확대할 계획이다.자가브랜드 수출지원사업에 참가한 기업은 3년 동안 KOTRA 해외무역관과 브랜드 컨설팅 업체의 도움으로 △맞춤형 브랜드 전략 수립 △CI(Corporate Identity) 등 브랜드 커뮤니케이션 수단 개선 △브랜드 마케팅을 통해 브랜드 인지도와 경쟁력을 높이게 된다.지난 18일에 개최된 정기 자가브랜드 워크샵에서 성공사례를 발표한 박인숙 태웅메디칼 차장은 “지난 3년간의 자가브랜드 사업에 참가해 CI를 리뉴얼 하는 등 자사만의 브랜드 아이덴티티(BI)를 재정립할 수 있었고, 세계 시장에서 특색있는 마케팅 전략으로 고객들에게 친근하게 다가갈 수 있게 됐다”고 밝혔다.최혜란 기산전자 대리는 “지난 3년간 자가브랜드 사업에 참가하며, 다양한 전시회를 활용한 브랜드 홍보, 맞춤형 바이어 초청 행사(비즈니스 세미나, 기술교육 등), 실용신안출원, 해외 신문광고, 회사 홍보 영상 제작 등으로 해외시장에 기산 브랜드를 알리는데 큰 도움을 받았다”고 밝혔다.최혜란 기산전자 대리는 “지난 3년간 자가브랜드 사업에 참가하며, 다양한 전시회를 활용한 브랜드 홍보, 맞춤형 바이어 초청 행사(비즈니스 세미나, 기술교육 등), 실용신안출원, 해외 신문광고, 회사 홍보 영상 제작 등으로 해외시장에 기산 브랜드를 알리는데 큰 도움을 받았다”고 밝혔다.반도체공정장비 제조 기업인 한미반도체는 2013년부터 진행한 자가브랜드 사업 일환으로 일본, 미국을 대상으로 전시회, 반도체 전문지 광고 등을 통해 브랜드 및 제품 광고 및 홍보활동을 진행했다. 그 결과 올해 일본 수출액은 약 87억원, 미국 약 57억원으로 전년 대비 각 644%, 156%의 매출 성장을 기록하는 성과를 보이고 있다.이 밖에도 자가혈당측정기를 생산하는 아이센스는 자가브랜드 사업을 통해 칠레의 사보험시장과 B2C사업으로 영역을 확장하고 있고, 루트로닉과 대교 등 금년도 처음 동사업에 참가한 기업들은 브랜드 진단과 컨설팅을 바탕으로 해외시장 확대에 나설 계획이다.신환섭 KOTRA 중소기업지원본부장은 “우리 중소·중견기업은 세계적인 기술과 품질경쟁력을 보유하고도 브랜드 인지도가 낮아 해외시장에서 어려움을 겪는 경우가 많다”고 지적하고, “자기 고유 브랜드의 해외 인지도를 높여 제값 받는 수출기업이 많아지도록 자가브랜드 수출지원사업을 활성화할 계획”이라고 밝혔다.KOTRA는 매월 1회 참가 기업을 대상으로 자가브랜드 워크숍을 개최해 성공사례를 공유하고 기업 맞춤형 브랜드마케팅 교육을 시행하는 등 가시적인 성과를 창출하기 위한 실질적인 서비스를 제공하고 있다.천주희 기자 cjh2952@daara.co.krCopyright ⓒ 산업일보. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지http://www.kidd.co.kr/news/177652
15.01.07 -
Digestive Disease Week 2014
Digestive Disease Week 2014 ● 03.May.2014 ~ 06.May.2014● Congress Venue: McCormick Place, Chicago IL, USA● Booth Exhibition & TaewoongMedical Events DDW2014 is one of the largest and most prestigious gastroenterology meeting, from May 3 ~ 6, at McCormick Place in Chicago IL, USA, which is jointly sponsored by AGA (American Gastroenterology Association), The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT). Exciting and cutting edge research data in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Surgery were presented that will help change the way physicians diagnose and treat gastrointestinal disorders.Taewoong Medical participated with trendy yet sophisticated booth style using see-through mesh fabric and special spot lights. In particular, our new selling item Endoscopic Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) was launched, catching lots of attention. Before official DDW period began, TW Medical organized Partner’s Day where TW’s exclusive distributors from all over the world get together and we briefly introduce general DDW Information, DDW Abstract/scientific issues and TW News, followed by casual cocktail gathering. Likewise, around 180 physicians and distributors from every countries enjoyed magnificent view, great dinner and lots of fun at Taewoong Medical’s Niti-S™ Cruise Dinner on Lake Michigan. This year, 256 exhibitors companies participated with their booth and more than 15,000 people participated making DDW2014 such a big success.DDW 2015 will take place from May 16~19 at Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC. and we will be there with our booth and other TW programs. We hope to see you there!
14.06.02 -
United European Gastroenterology 2013
United European Gastroenterology 2013 ● 14.Oct.2013 ~16.Oct.2013● Congress Venue: Icc Messe Berlin, Germany● Booth Exhibition & Taewoong Medical Events The United European Gastroenterology 2013 takes place in Berlin, Germany. This time is celebrating our 8th participant UEGW. This time, Taewoong Medical booth concept is ‘Connectivity’ which means like our company slogan ‘We connect your life’. Under this concept, we installed open gate booth for welcoming our guests. At this time, over 14,000 participants who are representative for gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, oncology and gastrointestinal surgery. Every year, standards and volume of submissions steadily rising, UEG Week is the place where the best research is presented. Before the booth exhibition, we had ‘Partner’s day’ which means meeting with Taewoong Medical’s distributor all around world. Our partner’s day takes place in The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Berlin on 13.Oct.2014. Over 17 different countries, 50 participants attend our partner’s day. We had meaningful discussion time related with business and our further relationship. Through this Taewoong Partner’s day, we’re looking forward build up good relationship and exchange each of our distributor’s opinion. Also, Taewoong Medical 3rd consecutive dinner symposium held in The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Grand ballroom hall, Berlin. At this time our moderators are Prof. Marc Barthet from France and Prof. Jong Ho Moon from Korea. For dinner symposium, we had invited Prof. Brigitte Schumacher from Germany, Prof. Guido Costamagna from Italy, and Prof. Jacques Deviere from Belgium. Each of speakers prepared presentation regarding Self-expandable metallic stenting issues and all of guests had great time in dinner symposium. At this time, we released our new newsletter named ‘Connect’. Connect is likely to be education letter related with Taewoong Medical stent products and we’re going to including experiences and comment from users(doctors). Also, Connect(Newsletter) is going to be published about Taewoong Medical’s news and performance in the world. Connect will be published every year during UEGW period. UEGW 2013 booth exhibition and Taewoong events both concludes that overall the celebrations were very well received and extremely successful. Upcoming next UEGW 2014 is going to be held in Vienne, Austria. We hope we will meet there with big smile. Thank you for everybody who are attention our company.
13.10.29 -
Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2013
Gastro 2013 APDW/ WCOG Shanghai Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2013/ World Congress of Gastroenterology ● Sep. 21~ Sep. 24, 2013● Congress venue: Shanghai Expo Center, Shanghai, ChinaTaewoong Medical has participated in this premier Global event on gastroenterology of Gastro 2013 APDW which was organized by The Asian Pacific Digestive Week Federation(APDWF) and the World Gastroenterology Organization(WGO) in order to come together to learn about the latest research and advancements, actively participate in the advancing field of gastroenterology.APDW is the largest annual scientific gathering in Gastroenterology in Asia Pacific region. This year roughly 5000 health employees (Doctors, Nurses) visited from all continents to share ideas and discuss how to improve treatment options for patients.On 21 September, Congress began with an outstanding Postgraduate Course focused on issues in Gastroenterology and Liver Disease and a Live Demonstration Endoscopy Course. Over the next three days, from 22nd to 24th of September, the main program was convened and presented during exhibition organized in four primary tracks: Live Demonstration Endoscopy and Endoscopy sessions, Upper GI, Lower GI and Liver Disease.Thanks to all of our partners and visitors who visited from all around the world to support Taewoong Medical’s contributions towards improving health of patients around the world.
13.10.08 -
2013 Workshop in Cuba_ 2nd Workshop of Advanced GI Stent Training
Workshop in Cuba2nd Workshop of Advanced GI Stent Training ● 2013.07.12 ~ 07.13● Venue: National Center of Minimal Access Surgery, Havana, Cuba● Course Director: Dr. Julian Ruiz (Director of)● Guest Speakers: Dr. Massimo Conio, Dr. Guido Costamagna 2nd Workshop of Advanced GI Stent Training was organized by Taewoong Medical, Euromedical (Italian, Cuban Distributor) along with National Center of Minimal Access Surgery of Habana, Cuba in order to inform and share knowledge/experience for a successful GI Stenting through expertise lectures and tele-transmission of live demo cases. Around 50-60 participant doctors from different nations such as Mexico, Canada, Switzerland and Cuba attended the Workshop. In fact, 5 doctors came from Mexico, 2 doctors came from Canada, 2 doctors from Switzerland and approximately 40 Cuban doctors were present.First day of Workshop began with greetings from Guest speakers and vice-president of Taewoong Medical, company presentation, new product introduction. Subsequently, Dr. M. Conio gave Lecture/presentation in Esophageal stenting by Dr. M. Conio followed by Live demo in Cuban patients. In the afternoon, Dr. G. Costamagna gave his lecture/presentation in Esophageal stenting case as well, followed by Live Demo. Second day, Dr. M. Conio gave lecture on colonic stenting using his latest published article, Metal-Analysis of endoscopic stenting as bridge to surgery vs. emergency surgery for left-sided colorectal cancer obstruction. Later on Dr. G. Costamagna gave lecture on Biliary Hilar Tumor stenting followed by Live Demo cases. In Cuba, there are no private hospitals or clinics as all health services are government- run and every Cuban citizens can benefit from high level health services at no cost. There are more than 65,000 qualified doctors in Cuba. Moreover, since 1990 Cuban government has established Medical University in Havana providing education for 1,500 foreign students from Central/Latin America and Africa each year. Dr. Julian Ruiz who is the physician in charge of Fidel Castro’s health is the director of National Center for Minimal Access Surgery. This center is dedicated to minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries and it’s Graduate School of Higher Medical Science Institute is committed to training of both domestic and foreign specialists in the field of advanced techniques of minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries. Through this workshop TW medical not only looks forward to more business expansion to a new global market but also development and growth in medical field for developing countries. TW will continue making meaningful contributions towards improving health of patients around the world.
13.08.06 -
We are looking for the UVENTA™ Business distributors. 13.06.17